Mar 25, 2021Liked by Ashley Feinberg

Please write about the weird teen girls who tweet to and about Jake Tapper constantly

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Mar 24, 2021Liked by Ashley Feinberg

I'm strongly considering subbing but only if you find a way to dunk on libby watson in each post. (not right now of course for obs reasons.)

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Please investigate the beauty regimen of Jim Acosta and thank you for what you do

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absolutely putting this on my list

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Mar 24, 2021Liked by Ashley Feinberg

Here for the occasional commentary on Callista’s Instagram. Anything more will be a bonus.

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You made it, Ash! You finally have your own Kinja.


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Good splice opportunity with Defector imo

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I'm gonna be honest, Substack's decision to plow the resources and profile and userbase that the unknown, mostly-left writers who took a chance on the platform had developed into fat contracts and PR subsidization for the same collection tired right wing hack assholes has kind of turned me off the platform.

Also 85/15 is fucking outrageous. I'd just as soon pay 30%, 60% or even 100% the cost of a sub directly to you (or as directly as all the various payment intermediaries allow after taking their bite) for whatever gets written on Trashberg as an email subscription. I'm sure the contract you signed doesn't give them rights to your IP, so you can disseminate it however you want.

Anyway, just a thought for if this site gets so toxic it's not worth it. Having just found out they eat 7/8ths of my money and then give it to people like Matt Fucking Yglesias, I'm a lot closer to the exit door than I was.

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Ever since missing out on Great Pacific Garbage Patch IPO, I've been looking to get in early on a newcomer to the asset class.

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Lmao I immediately entered my credit card when you promised to get to the bottom of when the Queen has last had sex. This is something I've wanted to know for years, and I can finally throw my money at this problem.

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Of course Jared’s legs made it into the banner... greatly looking forward to additional nightmare inducing content.

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yasss queen we stan!!!!!!!! excited to be a part of the Trashberg community :o)

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Defector dot com got cocky and thought they didn't need a general manager. Now they've gone and lost out on a superstar free agent. Sell the team! But seriously, this is an instant subscribe. Best of luck, Ashley!

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Dear Feinberg,

We want more blogs about wild teens.



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"After years of complaining about how people who supported problematic companies were culpable, I've decided it's not that big of a problem as long as I'm compensated."

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Stay away from the Jaffy beat, nothing there.

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The New York Times and LA Times and WaPo etc. all decided to pay me money to get readers too. So did St Martin's. Because they thought they'd make money doing so. (And very soon Substack will be in the black on my deal, after less than one month.) And that's the real thing that's making people mad: writers they don't like have audiences and make money writing. Substack didn't do that. You can lament that people who aren't Twitter-approved have audiences, but if I wasn't making money here I'd be doing it somewhere else. So what's the difference if I'm doing it on Substack?

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Oh hey, look at this.


Deleted too. Must have really meant the apology.

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No, it's here: https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/statement

I moved all of my old blog over to Substack.

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from a tab I was closing: "Fredrik deBoer is a writer, academic, and avowed Marxist who has contributed to outlets as varied as The New York Times, Politico, Gawker"

Man, if I read your comment wrong, I guess I take back #3, but double down on #2. Either way man, the Left and Academic Marxism need a lot fewer bipolar freakazoids. Honestly the left needs a lot fewer Academic Marxists in general.

You should probably stop writing books and blogs to be safe.

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Cool right on, good for you I guess? You seem like the most upright and honest person who ever knowingly falsely accused someone of rape.

I get why you feel so insecure about everyone noticing this site is taking 85% of the money I thought I was giving people like Feinberg and Luke O'Neill and shoveling at a massive amount of mediocre, angry white men who've done nothing to earn it but make a big stink resigning/getting fired from their legacy news posts.

Keep writing books about how much you don't like smart people?

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So, to review, you found my comment, got emotionally fired up enough about it to not just comment on it, but to extensively investigate who I am, got frustrated when I didn't respond, wrote another comment based on an error that you could have corrected with 30 seconds of Googling, have now posted another angry comment in which you both misrepresent the financial workings at Substack and demonstrate considerable anger, and you're pulling the "you're mad" stuff... on me?

I'm sitting in the window on a beautiful Brooklyn day. The sun is shining and the breeze is coming in through the window. I'm content. You should try it out.

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Dude, I fucking googled you. if that counts as 'extensive research' to a published author, then yea. A lot about you makes sense.

And the first hit was a reddit thread about how you acknowledged you'd like, knowingly defamed someone, and in so doing undermined MeToo by giving the right ammunition about 'fake accusations'.

And then closing the tab I saw the second most noteable thing about you is you somehow consider yourself a leftist. Which is surprising enough given the first two facts to warrant comment.

And yea, no shit, a mediocre white liar affords brooklyn real estate and feels just fine about himself. That's the whole problem with the world.

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I never heard of you before, dude, so, one, you're not that famous. Two I had to read that post three times to figure out what your take even was and what your were trying to say about it so you're not that good a writer. And three you're pissyaching on someone else's blog's comments because they don't like you? You definitely seem like you're not even mad, you're laughing about it actually.

Must be a pleasure to be around.

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