God this WOMAN! This list is horrifying! Thank you for this deep dive.

My feelings on Lena can best be summed up with this lol anecdote…A few months ago I was diagnosed with a rare connective tissue disorder (EDS). Of course I extensively googled after getting the news and read this article a woman had written about the importance of coziness while living with it. I too believe in coziness to help with debilitating daily pain so I was eating it up, truly vining with it.

Got to the end & realized fucking LENA DUNHAM wrote it. I’m still disgusted with myself, agreeing with her over anything is enough to make a sick gal feel somehow more sick. I DEMAND better representation!!!!

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Oh my GOD I came down here to write how fucking pissed I am that the most prominent EDS representation we have is……. this. I feel your pain so much, literally and otherwise.

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I hate that you get it but I’m so glad I’m not alone!!! We get Lena, Sia, and Jameela…what did we do to deserve this?!

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Not a real picture, simply a trib-Newt.

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Someone give Feinberg an Edward R Murrow award STAT. This is the best investigative journalism I’ve seen since Samer identified that fart on Defector.

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None of this is true. Lena Dunham was renditioned to a CIA black site in Kazakhstan after the last episode of Girls was filmed.

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I kept scrolling down and down and thinking, there's no way this lady has more right, AND IT JUST KEPT GOING.

My cat was literally dropped off in my apartment by an ex roommate 7 years ago and I love him but I can't imagine getting like 7 more pets on top of him

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That's because Lena Dunham herself is a bottom-feeding animal.

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Wait, so did Lena and 'sidthekiid' ever hash out their conflicting feelings re: Morrisey?

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This women needs to be stopped! She's a animal abuser! My heart breaks for these poor animals. How can she be stopped?

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The rescue that adopted Ingrid to Lena is the same rescue that rejected my application for the dog I fostered who unexpectedly gave birth to puppies in my apartment, and whose puppies i kept alive for two weeks until they were moved to a rich lady’s house. So, priorities.

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I have EDS too. I was diagnosed at age 13.

When I read that Dunham has it, I choked. I thought, “Dammit, I’m calling my geneticist to demand a retraction! There’s no way in hell I’m sharing a diagnosis with HER! Say I have TB or something like that. It’ll be inaccurate, but now I’ll be keeping company with Keats and the Brontë sisters.”

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Oof, meant this to be a reply to Latisha.

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Lena + Animals = Peter Thiel + CPAC stans

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I use to like her but tbh all you need to do is look at the actions of the dogs and their eyes tell you that they are being abused by her… I have 3 dogs and always had cats growing up.. I know what love looks like from an animal and if you treat them with love it’s something you can see… those cats look annoyed and pissed at her and the dogs have sad eyes also the dogs were crying and running away from her that’s all I needed to know.

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She also can’t hold a dog properly. You need to support their butt with one arm or else they’ll be uncomfortable or even in pain.

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My impression from the bits and pieces I've heard about Lena and her pets made the situation sound really bad, like she was killing animals constantly. Maybe not a great sign, but I came away feeling better about Lena as a pet owner than before I read this - I'm not saying the situation is great, just better than I had expected

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So she has a lot of pets.... At least theyre not rotting in a shelter or waiting to be euthanised. Honestly nothing can be proven here. Do you realize how many pets pile up in shelters ? If i had the space and money i woulf adopt a lot of cats just so they dont have to wait to die in a cage.

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"Honestly nothing can be proven here" is my new go-to dismissal of any and all criticisms people have of me.

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Most of her pets are fine so whats your point? What does it have to do with overcrowded nokill and KILL pet shelters? Who gives enough of a damn really, in comparison to real everyday animal suffering .. unless you've got a secret obsession with this woman thats eating you from the inside ? People get butthurt over anything and look so desperately for inane drama to distract from their self loathing. I could care about this women but you guys sound like you keep any number of sticks up your asses on the regular, over mundane af things.

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"People get butthurt over anything," you say?

"Inane drama," you say?

"Self loathing", you say?

"You sound like you keep any number of sticks up your asses over mundane things," you say?

hm. interesting.

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